Condensation, Misted and Cracked Windows – What To Do
Have you noticed condensation forming on the outside or inside of your double glazed windows? If so, you are not alone. Misted windows are more common than you may think, and it is important that condensation problems are resolved as soon as possible. Cracks in windows can also cause performance problems, but you will be pleased to know that these common double glazing issues can be easily resolved. The experts at Bluemanor Windows know all about double glazing, and we have put together this guide to help owners resolve condensation, misting and cracking issues.
What Is The Cause of Misted Windows?
To understand why condensation can build up inside double glazing, you first need to understand how double glazed windows work. Double glazing is made up of two glass panes and a thermally efficient spacer bar. The two pieces of glass are fitted together with the spacer placed between them, creating a gap and trapping air and insulating gases inside. To keep everything airtight and in position, a sealant material is added. The seal is an essential part of the double glazed unit, and if it breaks down, moisture can get between the glass panes and start to cause problems.

A failed window seal is the main cause of double glazing condensation and misting between the glass. If the seal breaks down, the double glazing will no longer be able to offer effective temperature regulation, and cold draughts can enter your property. If you notice condensation, alongside a need to turn the heating on more often, this is a good indication that the sealant is not doing its job and needs repairing.
The most common reasons why double glazing window seals fail include:
• Ageing frames
• Damaged frames
• Overuse of certain chemical window cleaning products
• Improper installation
How To Fix Condensation & Misting In Double Glazing
Repairing failing window seals will help prevent misting and restore your windows' thermal performance. Damaged seals may not seem like a major issue during the warm summer months, but come winter, if the problem remains unresolved, you will notice a hike in heating bills and a chill around your home.
Here is our expert advice on what to do if you notice condensation and misting in or around your windows:

• Open your windows - Yes, it may sound obvious, but opening your windows can help to stop a small condensation problem from becoming a full scale window replacement project. Double glazing provides excellent insulation, but ventilation is also needed to keep the windows in top condition. Open your windows every day, even just a crack, to allow better airflow around the unit. It is especially important to open your windows when humidity is high, such as after a shower or during cooking. Condensation will appear on the outside of the glass if your rooms are not properly ventilated. In most cases, condensation on the outside of the glass can be wiped away with a cloth.
• Remove moisture in the environment - Condensation is caused by a buildup of moisture, and the best way to solve the issue is to dry out the environment. Placing a dehumidifier by your windows can help draw out the moisture between the glass, as can using a hair dryer. Homeowners have also had success removing window condensation by placing moisture absorber products along the window frame and leaving them to work their magic.
• Repair the window seal - In most circumstances, the methods shared above are just temporary fixes. If there is condensation between the glass panes, the seal has likely failed and needs to be repaired. If the frame is in good condition, the best and most cost effective fix is a sealed unit replacement. A full window replacement isn’t always necessary and a professional will be able to easily replace the old glazing with a freshly sealed, fully functioning unit. If you are replacing your double glazing, this is the perfect time to upgrade to more energy efficient windows, helping your home to achieve better thermal performance during the cost of living crisis.

Repairing Cracked Windows
As well as condensation and misting, windows can crack and become damaged. While contemporary double glazing is made to withstand strong impacts, older windows can be more easily damaged, and anything from a stone or a football can crack the glass. Temperature fluctuations can also cause the glass to crack.
It is best to deal with window cracks as soon as possible before the damage spreads and leads to a bigger problem. Quick fixes for damaged windows include:
• Heavy duty packing tape
• Glass adhesive
• Clear super glue
• Clear nail polish
• Apply a plastic cover
The above methods may effectively repair small cracks, but often, a more permanent fix is needed. Professional window repair work will be necessary to return the glass to its former strength and keep it safe from further impact damage in the future. If you live in an older property with delicate glass windows, we highly recommend hiring a professional to repair the glass. While there are many DIY crack repair methods, opting for a professional fix will greatly reduce the risk of further damage.

Upgrade Your Home With a Bluemanor Windows Double Glazing Installation
Bluemanor Windows is a family run home improvement company that supplies and installs double glazing in Essex and the surrounding areas. Our expert team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and a hassle free installation process. We offer a wide range of energy efficient windows and doors, including casement, sliding sash and Tilt & Turn windows, and composite, uPVC and aluminium doors.
Get in touch with Bluemanor today to begin your double glazing project. You can contact us by calling 01376 322 266 or filling in our online contact form. We look forward to enhancing your home with a top quality double glazing installation soon.
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